
The Marañón River, holder of rights in Peru: a victory for Indigenous Kukama Kukamiria women to protect this Amazon ecosystem.
What: Webinar
When : April 24, 2024, 10 AM
Where : online
**The webinar will be held in Spanish**
Description :
“On March 8, 2024, the Marañón River in Peru was recognized as a right holder by the Superior Court of Justice of Loreto (Peru), which resolved an *amparo*(Action of Protection) lawsuit filed by Mariluz Canaquiri Murayari, who were supported by the Instituto de Defensa Legal. The petitioner requested the Court to recognize the Marañon River and its tributaries as a subject of rights due to the intrinsic value of the river in their culture and, especially, due to the spiritual value of the river for the Kukama indigenous people.”
– Mariluz Canaquiri Murayari – President of the Federation of Indigenous Women Kukama Kukamiria “Huaynakana Kamatahuara Kana”
– Juan Carlos Ruiz Molleda – Constitutional lawyer, Coordinator of the constitutional litigation area of the Instituto de Defensa Legal (Lima-Peru)
– Patricia Urteaga Crovetto – Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, associate researcher at the Observatory
To learn more about this historic decision before the webinar:

The Rights of the River: Peace, Protection and Personhood
What: Screening of the Film “I am the Magpie River” followed by panel discussion
When : March 24, 2024, 3-5 PM
Where : online or in person at Centre Wakefield La Pêche
In celebration of World Water Day, please join Friends of the Gatineau River and Transition écologique La Pêche Coalition for a Green New Deal for a screening of the documentary film, I am the Magpie River. produced by Susan Fleming of 1000244925 Ontario Inc. and Kim O’Bomsawin of Terre Innue Productions Inc.
Breathtaking in its cinematography, I am the Mapgie River, is produced by award-winning documentary filmmaker, Susan Fleming, Q Films Inc., and Terre Innue Productions Inc.. Stunning photography captures the strength, beauty and peace of the Magpie River in northern Quebec and how the Innu community, who have always believed that rivers are a living spirit, were determined to protect it by declaring its legal personhood.
“Legal personhood means, in law … that we cannot destroy [the ecosystem]. That it’s not an object to exploit, but a person to protect,” says Yenny Vega Cárdenas, lawyer and president of the International Observatory on the Rights of Nature, who took on the case of protecting the Magpie River. This approach to conservation falls under the legal framework of the rights of nature, which recognizes that natural phenomena, like rivers and forests, have the intrinsic right to exist outside of their relationship to humans.
Following the film an illustrious panel will discuss the legal rights of a river; how the Magpie River was granted personhood and Gilbert Whiteduck’s proposition to obtain legal rights for the Gatineau River and the forming of the Tenagadino Alliance.
- Gilbert Whiteduck: elder and former chief of Kitigan Zibi, founder of the Tenagadino Alliance
- Yenny Vega Cardenas: President of the International Observatory of the Rights of Nature
- Maude Barlow: regional and international water protector, UN advisor, Council of Canadians
- Rita Jain: Director with Friends of the Gatineau River, Chelsea municipal councillor, co-founder of the Tenagadino Alliance
Register here whether online or in person::

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